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MarineTraffic and Orca partners up
February 19, 2024 • 2 min read
Improving AIS coverage for all boaters globally.

As a boater, many experiences can make your heart race: Navigating a narrow passage with poor visibility, hitting a tight tide window, or crossing a busy shipping lane at dusk. This week’s update aims to make crossing that busy shipping lane less stressful.
All commercial and large recreational vessels are mandated to have an AIS transceiver. AIS, short for Automatic Identification System, broadcasts a vessel’s location, heading, and speed via the VHF band. This broadcast gets picked up by AIS receivers and is typically shown on a navigation system. AIS has become an essential tool for reducing the risk of collisions at sea.
For many boaters, AIS is synonymous with MarineTraffic. MarineTraffic uses over 6600 base stations and satellites to collect AIS data, tracking about 400 000 vessels. With MarineTraffic you don’t need an AIS receiver to view AIS data – you just need internet access.
Orca is working together with MarineTraffic to improve AIS in Orca and help MarineTraffic collect even more AIS data.
A better traffic experience in Orca
The only way to view AIS information on a traditional chartplotter is via an on-board AIS receiver. Orca supports onboard AIS receivers just like a traditional chartplotter, but Orca can also receive AIS data via the Internet.
MarineTraffic is Orca's source of AIS data. For Orca boaters, that means better AIS coverage and faster updates compared to any other online AIS data supplier out there.
Great AIS data is only half the equation. The experience of viewing vessels in Orca is also the best you'll find. Vessel icons are easy to read, and the overall experience of viewing vessel information and collision estimation such as “Closest Point of Approach” and “Time to Closest Point of Approach” is fast and easy.
Viewing vessel details is now faster with the expandable bottom panel.
Internet-based AIS is also great for boaters who own an AIS receiver. Orca is the only navigation system that blends AIS data from your onboard receiver with internet data. It means you get unlimited AIS range when you have an internet connection, and internet-based AIS makes for a reliable backup in case your onboard receiver stops working.
Orca’s internet-based AIS system also lets you view images of AIS targets. This makes it incredibly easy to correlate an AIS target in the chart with what you see on the horizon. For more historical information and more details about a vessel, you can also open the MarineTraffic app directly from Orca.
View images of AIS targets in Orca, and open the MarineTraffic app to get more details about your AIS target.
Improving AIS coverage for all boaters
Orca boaters also share AIS data from their local receivers back to MarineTraffic. The shared data is completely anonymous and optimized to use minimal cellular data usage.
Every Orca boat with an onboard AIS receiver connected to the internet can contribute to the boating community.
A better navigation experience with Orca Core
If you want advanced boat integration with your onboard AIS, you should get a Core.

Orca Core powers many of the advanced features in Orca.
Orca Core is a Smart Navigation Hub that connects to your onboard sensors, radar, and autopilot – and gives you a complete chartplotter experience on your phone and tablet. Orca Core also doubles as a sailing processor, an integrated GPS, and an incredibly accurate compass. If you are looking for a smart upgrade of your boat, look no further.
Orca Core is delivered with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and free express shipping. Order yours from the Orca Store today.