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December updates
December 21, 2021 • 1 min read
Many small things make a for a large update, from Raymarine autopilot support to a chart symbol dictionary.

Autopilot controls for Raymarine Seatalk and SeatalkNG autopilots are now available for all users. To access autopilot controls, press the Navigation tab from the map screen.
A full list of supported autopilots can be found in our Product Guide.

Wireless autopilot control from your phone makes life easy on the foredeck.
Improved compass accuracy
The built-in compass in the Orca Core is now a lot more accurate.
We've updated the underlying compass algorithms and improved noise filtering. The compass now offers accuracy of within 2 degrees, which is twice as accurate as before.

The Orca Core has a built-in professional-grade GPS and compass.
This update brings the Orca Core's compass performance in line with the very best standalone 9-axis compasses you can get today. We will now work towards making the Orca Core usable as a heading and motion source for 3rd party Autopilots.
Since this is a fundamental algorithm change, you will need to recalibrate your compass after upgrading your Core.
Understanding chart symbols
Long-press near a symbol in the chart, and you'll notice a new Info button in the bottom panel. Press the Info button to read up on the symbols and what they mean for navigation.
A pretty handy feature when you forget the purpose of a navigation mark (yes, we've been there ourselves).
The new dictionary is helpful in case you forget the meaning of a chart symbol.
The updates above are available with Orca Application and Display version 1.0.37 and Core version 0.13.0.
Seasonal greetings from the Orca Team