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This is how Orca boaters navigated in 2023
January 5, 2024 • 2 min read
How do your boating habits compare to Orca boaters?

Boaters are a diverse group of people. Some boat far distances, while others visit their favorite spots again and again. If you want to remember your boating experiences better, you should keep a log and revisit it.
If you are a traditionalist, you may have a paper logbook of every trip you did last year – and you know exactly how far you traveled and what you experienced along the way. For Orca Core owners, that’s not needed.
The Core records your trips in a neatly organized logbook, and Orca Core owners receive a yearly review of their trips. Read on to learn how your boating habits compare to Orca Core owners!
The distribution of travel distance by Orca Core owners shows how diverse and extreme boating habits are.
The median boater traveled 231NM, while the top 1% traveled more than 2 947NM. That is equal to crossing the Atlantic from Ambrose Light of New York to Cornwall. The longest streak of 2023 – which we've defined as consecutive days with motion – was an Atlantic crossing from Italy to the Caribbean that lasted 23 days!

Total travel distance distribution in nautical miles of all Orca Core owners.
If you traveled more than 820NM in 2023, you’d be among the top 10% in distance traveled.
The average speed while traveling was 6 knots among all Orca Core owners.
Orca is used by both powerboaters and sailors, and those boat types have different travel speeds. About 80% of Orca Core owners have an average travel speed of less than 6 knots. This is a strong indication that most Orca users own a sailboat or powerboat with a displacement hull.

Average speed distribution in knots of Orca Core owners.
If your average travel speed in 2023 was 8.74 knots, you’d be among the top 10% of fastest Orca boaters.
Wind speed
Many Orca Core owners have a sailboat with a wind sensor. This gives them accurate wind data in Orca thanks to Orca’s built-in Sailing Processor, but it also allows them to review the wind conditions they have been sailing in.
While traveling, the median measured wind speed of Orca Core owners was 4.8m/s. The top 90% percentile measured wind speed was 12.3m/s while traveling, which shows that a lot of Orca owners don't mind sailing in heavy winds.

Measured wind speed distribution histogram for boats with wind sensors.
If you’ve experienced 12.6m/s windspeeds, you would be among the top 10% of Orca boaters who experienced the highest wind speeds in 2023.
Review your year with Orca
Remembering and reliving past boating trips is a lot of fun – and if you want to keep a complete log of your past experiences without effort, then Orca Core is a great tool for the job.
In addition to the built-in logbook, Orca Core owners also receive a summary of their yearly boating activities. Here are two examples from a sailboat owner in Norway and a powerboat owner in the U.S.

The Orca Core's built-in sensors and powerful processor make it an incredibly powerful Sailing Processor.
Orca Core makes remembering and reliving your past trips effortless. It logs where you have been and everything it knows about your boat. On top of that, it integrates with your boat instruments, autopilot, and radar to give you a truly modern boating experience on your phone, tablet, Mac, and Orca Display 2.
Get yours at the Orca Store with free express shipping and a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.